Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Going for looks may not be that shallow after all....?

Yeah, you probably have heard / read about it. Being attractive in your outer appearance or physical looks does help you get to somewhere... and you probably have read from somewhere also that good looking people have better job opportunities etc etc

You might have also heard or watched the American Psycho where they mentioned about beautiful women can't be smart because they can easily get people to do things for them and they don't need to use their brains. Hence, overtime become less intelligent. And the not-so-attractive ones have to work hard to get things done on their own, hence more intelligent.

I read an article on BBC today which I thought was interesting. It gives a fresh perspective about looks and success...

A researcher in evolutionary anthropology, Professor Ruth Mace said, "But it suggests that how attractive you find someone is governed partly by how likely you are to be successful."


Hmm....thoughts anyone?