Friday, April 27, 2007

Mr and Miss Right!

Yesterday, I stumbled upon this article on the DUMC floodgates website. It has taught me some good lessons about choosing the Mr and Miss Right.

By Pastor Chris Kam (Floodgates Issue #35)

Before we reason about why there are no eligible partners around, we should first ask the question: “Am I eligible myself?” It is not about whether we are smart, wealthy or good looking. It is about an inner beauty and strength that transcends all these; a beauty in character and inner life, a godliness and holiness that are inherent hallmarks, possessing a humble leadership over our own life that we become a fragrance of Christ that attracts.

Godly character takes years to build. I once told my sixteen-year-old son, Ian that if he invests in building godly characters and a love for God in his teenage years, there is no reason why he should be worried about finding the right mate. When the inner character is in place, what flows out of his life is the fruit of the Holy Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Not that it is a guarantee of success but he would have ruled out his side of his ineligibility first and let God do the rest.

I am assured that Adam was deep in sleep when God brought Eve into his life. He did not strive to look for a partner. God knew the loneliness in Adam and God knew the special kind of lady that would complete Adam's life. There was a sense of restedness that Adam had.

When one becomes Mr Right, he presents himself as one maturing in Christ, trusting in God for his daily provision and fulfilment of his needs. The best gift one can give to each other at the wedding altar before God and witnesses, is a maturing man or woman who loves God deeply and is prepared to include God as a full partner in their marriage.

This maturing process does not end on the wedding day. It continues right through our marriage “until death do us part”. So whether you are single, courting or married, are you the Mr or Miss Right?


I wanted to blog about the last two Thursdays (yesterday not counted) and have finally found the time to. 4 things that became the highlight for the last two Thursdays, and they are:

1) I had my toe burnt and the flesh cut out! Pictures here courtesy of my brave photographer, Sarah Wong. Thanks to Sarah and Richard, your presence have made it easier for me that day.
(Warning: Don't view the following pictures if you get traumatised with blood easily)

Cotton soaked with my blood

Tools used

Nicely bandaged

2) I walked into DUMC for the first time after so many months. This brought back a lot of sweet memories. It was exactly this month, a year ago, I met a friend for the first time whose friendship later taught me life’s little lesson. I remember I was very, very happy and very, very loved. Now, they are just memories…

3) A Thursday after that, I also bumped into the DUMC keyboardist, who is also my friend’s CG mate. Glad to see her again. We laughed when we recalled how we both were put into the same group of “single ladies” and the mind-boggling questions about Christian marriages we asked during one of the CG meetings. I still remember what the “single guys” group’s answer was when asked, “What do you think will change for you when you are married?”

To that, my friend replied, “No basketball anymore”. (and many others too hilarious for me to recall)

Oh, I miss those times.

4) I also did a little private audition with Patrick just to get his feedback on how to improve my singing. Patrick is one of Malaysia’s famous and talented singers and getting this opportunity to hear his feedback was not something that comes by everyday. Really appreciate his time.

That’s all for update, folks.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy 10th Anniversary, Daddy!

People always celebrate anniversaries to remind them of the good things or sad things they have/had. It gives people a sense of gratefulness, love and understanding. It also helps us to cherish our past, appreciate our present and to learn well for our future. We are forgetful beings and hence anniversaries are a way to remind us.

Easter this year will be different for me. It will be the 10th anniversary of my father’s victorious fight against cancer. Doctors gave him at most 5 years to live and he doubled that record, even though he has the most advance stage of cancer. He is still alive, kicking and doing his regular swim and exercise (those who have met him can agree with me on this). Wow…hoohoo…so proud of you, Dad!

Dad has always been a very positive person. His optimism reflects his bravery in many instances, particularly his fight against cancer. He taught me well of how I should think and defeat my greatest enemy – negative emotions. During those jogs and hikes up the hills, Dad will not fail to listen to my stories and advise me on my emotions and very often he hits the weakest spot of my muddled emotions. I miss those jogs and hikes with him (Oh, yes! I really need a vacation in Penang).

I see courage in Dad during those early moments of his fight against cancer. Immediately when the doctors told him he has a huge tumour and they were almost certain it’s cancer, he asked to have the tumour removed. He told mom at that time, he just entrusted us into God’s hands, knowing that he’s the only bread winner in the house and we were all still very young children.

I also learned from Dad to be faithful to God in good and bad times. Dad refused to forego God even though things seem dark and hopeless. He persisted and clung on to his only Hope, even if it means to die, he will not leave the God who has called him. Today, I can be that witness that God has not short-changed us and He has been as faithful as He was before to my dad and us.

Looking back these last 10 years, I never imagined Dad will live to see me graduate and still running strong. I just want to thank God for keeping him with us for so long and whatever the future maybe, like my dad, I will trust in Him. Easter is a time to remember the love of God so wonderfully demonstrated on the cross for us all but it is also a time for me to remember the love of God in a very real, special and personal way.

Thank you, Lord for hearing my prayers 10 years ago and still not forget me…Your love is more than what we can fathom and comprehend. When Godma cuddled us at that dark, lonely hospital lobby, we cried out to you and in the cruel silence of the night, You heard us. Now, I know You were there at the lobby embracing me, Joanne and Godma that night. You are still that same God who embraced us 10 years ago…and is still embracing us now. Thank you, for the cross and Your love that sees us through. I will not forget Your love. Easter will always be an anniversary for me to remember Your unfailing love.

Happy Easter to everyone! May you discover and experience the true meaning of Love this Easter just as I did 10 years ago.

Far left: Daddy, Me, Mom, Elaine and 'Ke Mak'