Friday, April 27, 2007


I wanted to blog about the last two Thursdays (yesterday not counted) and have finally found the time to. 4 things that became the highlight for the last two Thursdays, and they are:

1) I had my toe burnt and the flesh cut out! Pictures here courtesy of my brave photographer, Sarah Wong. Thanks to Sarah and Richard, your presence have made it easier for me that day.
(Warning: Don't view the following pictures if you get traumatised with blood easily)

Cotton soaked with my blood

Tools used

Nicely bandaged

2) I walked into DUMC for the first time after so many months. This brought back a lot of sweet memories. It was exactly this month, a year ago, I met a friend for the first time whose friendship later taught me life’s little lesson. I remember I was very, very happy and very, very loved. Now, they are just memories…

3) A Thursday after that, I also bumped into the DUMC keyboardist, who is also my friend’s CG mate. Glad to see her again. We laughed when we recalled how we both were put into the same group of “single ladies” and the mind-boggling questions about Christian marriages we asked during one of the CG meetings. I still remember what the “single guys” group’s answer was when asked, “What do you think will change for you when you are married?”

To that, my friend replied, “No basketball anymore”. (and many others too hilarious for me to recall)

Oh, I miss those times.

4) I also did a little private audition with Patrick just to get his feedback on how to improve my singing. Patrick is one of Malaysia’s famous and talented singers and getting this opportunity to hear his feedback was not something that comes by everyday. Really appreciate his time.

That’s all for update, folks.


Sarah.... said...

AIYO! Janet Tan! You only put up the MILDEST pictures out of that entire collection??!

Come on la, surely I endured your surgery for something! Oh Janet, think of what your photographer went through!


R1ch@rD said...

And Sarah is complaining... what about the water boy who stood guard outside? Cheh! Hehe... :)