Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The C-word~!!!!

The C-word!

Ouch, don't mention it again! Taboo?

No...just a word I associate with broken dreams..

Today, I bumped into a friend on the train whom I have not met for months. Well, we were happy to meet each other again(since I have only met him once when a friend took me out to meet his university friends) and the conversation on the train went well until that C-word reared its head out once awhile from my friend's lips....issshhhhh!!!

One girl friend of mine and I never really liked that word, mainly because we get so sick of hearing it. And for me, I tend to associate it with my broken dreams.Hence, it becomes a word I so adamantly don't want to hear.

I first heard of the C-word when I was 3. My mom used to tell me how difficult it was to get an English cert during her time from C******** and how getting in to C******** was difficult and how it was exclusive only to the very intelligent and bright people. That day, I told myself I would work hard and ensure that I will get in to C********* (Ah, a little girl's naive dream). As I grew older, C*********'s dream seemed to wither away as I learned that a lot of financial support was needed in order to get in to C*********. So no C******** for me nor any other foreign universities. There goes one broken dream.....

Another broken dream is when I didn't make it to my dream company, which has a lot of C-word people in it. And another broken dream is when...err...well, that one I'll keep for private space conversations. Hehehe....

p/s: To those who have built your dreams around C******** and then for one reason or another, they didn't materialize, take heart! There are still many dreams waiting to be fulfilled.

To the friend whom I bumped into today on the train, it was great seeing you again and I definitely enjoy the conversation we had. I do admire your university a lot, as much as I admire the people who have graduated from there. You are all truly remarkable in your own ways. Hope we'll meet again for yam cha.


Sarah.... said...

Hahahahaha! I didn't think you'd actually blog about this!

You know, I've associated the C-word with broken dreams for some time too, but recently, I look back and actually feel thankful I didn't end up there. I realized that it's not everything in life.

Anonymous said...

Hey there girl... Regarding the C-word I truly agree with Sarah and am pretty sure even for those who have graduated from there - It is not everything in life.

R1ch@rD said...

I prefer the O-word. :) I know this is may be highly contested but the greatest minds (Gates, Branson) left university/ college for an education.