Saturday, August 11, 2007

Feeling 18 all over again!!

I rushed from work to home, showered, dressed up... all excited for the dinner. It's our Group 4 class 2001 gathering dinner. Group 4 is one of the engineering groups for the Pre-University Engineering study in MMU. I am proud to say I was part of that group.

It has been a year since our last convocation and we have been friends for 6 years now. Many things have changed. Some have gone abroad, some are working with high-sounding companies, and all of us have certainly grown and matured. Yet when we came together...a friend of mine noted, "Oh we're 18 again!" Haha indeed!

We were 18 when we met each other, one fine morning at our very first English class.

We were 18 when we acted in that humourous english literature drama.

We were 18 when we went for Char Siew Fan at 3am.

We were 18 when we celebrated James' birthday at Peringgit with Rojak Sauce, eggs kept for months and cow's liver with cooking oil and other ingredients.

We were 18 when we watched Esther sang the Michelle Branch's song.

We were 18 when we travelled to Penang together and ordered all the cakes Secret Receipe had in their display freezer.

We were 18 when we took our Malaysian University English Test.

We were 18 when we ransacked Wee Liem's kitchen for food during exam period.

We were 18 when we went to the beach to have fun 2 days before our final exam.

We were 18 when we took an hour to gather everyone for lunch, an hour to decide where to eat, and an hour to get to the place and an hour to finally eat! my best friends in uni have grown to be beautiful young ladies and handsome young men. There was so much to catch up with one another yesterday and so much to laugh about and so much to recall for the 18-year-0ld grown-ups.

Sadly, some couldn't make it due to work demands and travel arrangements. Nevertheless, it was a huge group. I was certainly happy to meet everyone again.

From back: Pevin, myself, Wee Liem and Esther

Left: Esther, myself and Mich

The 2 good looking dudes: Wee Liem and Zi Bin

Trying to be 18 again: Mich, James and Esther

Left: Chern Liang, Ravin and the 'smartie' WaiChoong

Wee Liem: The guy who drove me to a pharmacy in Malacca in his stylish green proton

Left: Zheng Jie, Suang, myself and Jeff

Meet the Group 4-ians and those adopted into it!

Zi Bin: the unexpected friend


Anonymous said...

nice, i like it!

Janettan said...

i like it too ;)

zibin said...

I accidentally bump into ur blog again. Every time i read this post, memories flood back

You probably arent reading your blog anymore, but how's things? My unexpected friend?